Friday Night Dancing
Dates: Every Friday
Time: 7:30 PM till 9:30 PM
Place: Altadena Community Church, 943 Altadena Drive, Altadena, CA 91001
Admission: $6 (members $5) Additional donations welcomed
We have a teaching session early in the evening where we teach one or more dances that are beginner or intermediate level. We usually teach the same dances all month, and whatever we teach will be on the playlist throughout the next month, so you get lots of practice. The remainder of the evening is programmed dances and requests from our large collection of recorded ethnic dance music from countries around the world. See our This Month page for upcoming playlists.
Starting September 6th we’re offering a Beginners’ Hour class on the first and third Fridays of every month from 6:30 till 7:30. See below for details. (Special extra session added in September on the 2nd Friday.)
On the second Friday of each month, Marshall Cates leads set dance review starting at 6:30 before our regular dancing. These are mostly Scottish country dances, with occasionally dances from US, England, or other countries included. (This is cancelled for September, will be back in October.)
When a month has five Fridays, the fifth Friday is a party night. Instead of teaching we have live music from our own band, appropriately called the Fifth Friday Band. Apart from the band’s two sets, the rest of our program on fifth Fridays is all-request to recorded music.
Upcoming So Cal Events
Friday, September 6, 2024, 6:30 till 7:30 PM
First Beginners’ Hour at Pasadena Folk Dance Co-op
Beginners’ Hour will run every first and third Friday from 6:30 till 7:30 PM. We’ll teach folk dance basics and simpler dances, review and dance previously taught dances in subsequent sessions, and focus on giving new dancers a chance to build their skills and develop confidence.
For anyone who tried to dance with us and got discouraged, or anyone with a newly kindled interest in learning to folk dance, this program should be just the right runway.
Note: In September an extra Beginners’ Hour session is happening on the 2nd Friday.
Saturday, September 28, 2024, 10:00 AM til 5:00 PM
Ojai Day of Dance
The Ojai Art Center, 113 Montgomery St., Ojai, CA 93023, 805-646-0117
Admission: $20.00
10:00 till 11.30 AM – Teaching and review of dances taught at summer camps
11:30 AM till 1:00 PM – Lunch (on your own, picnic lunches recommended, also many restaurants in the area) with dance requests
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Dance program
Please send requests for your favorite dances to Marshall Cates,, Phone: 626-792-9118.
Contact: Carol Smith – 805-794-5512 –
Sponsored by Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc..
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 8:00 PM
Narodni Harvest Celebration
Woman’s Club of Bellflower, 9402 Oak St., Bellflower, CA 90706 – 213-537-7976
Suggested donation: $10.00
Live music by Interfolk. Singles, couples, and families welcome! Bring a finger food or non-alcoholic beverage to share. Beautiful wooden dance floor and lots of free parking.
Website: Narodni Folk Dancers
Sponsored by Narodni Folk Dancers
Thursday, October 31, 2024, 8:00 PM
Narodni Halloween Gathering
Woman’s Club of Bellflower, 9402 Oak St., Bellflower, CA 90706 – 213-537-7976
Show us your perfected costume! Singles, couples, and families welcome! Bring a finger food or non-alcoholic beverage to share. Beautiful wooden dance floor and lots of free parking.
Website: Narodni Folk Dancers
Sponsored by Narodni Folk Dancers
Friday to Sunday, November 22 to 24, 2024
Fall Folk Dance Camp
Brandeis-Bardin Campus, 1101 Peppertree Ln., Brandeis, CA 93064 – 805-582-4450
Teachers: Genci Kastrati (Albanian) and Ira Weisburd (International).
Website: Fall Folk Dance Camp
Sponsored by Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.
See the Federation Calendar page for more details plus additional events.
Current Covid-19 Protocols for Co-op Dancing:
Do not attend if you are sick
Please bring your own water to drink.